Opiniones: Pro Plan Gato Gatitos

Valoraciones de Pro Plan Gato Gatitos
Valoraciones en otros países
  • Por publicado el 12/09/2013

    très bon produit que j'utilise depuis des années, très bonne appétence............................

    Ver Pienso para Cachorros de Razas Grandes con Pollo
  • Por publicado el 12/09/2013

    Unser kleiner Welpe Timmi ist begeistert von dem Produkt! Er frisst es wirklich mit Begeisterung!!!!!!

    Ver Pienso para Cachorros de Razas Grandes con Pollo
  • Por publicado el 10/09/2013

    Our first Bernese mountain dog struggled during his first year. His fur, joints nor weight could catch up with his need to grow. Eventually a couple of years into adulthood the problems disappeared. Now we did not want to do the same mistake twice so we researched a lot before taking our second Bernese dog. We decided to switch from a local brand to Eukanuba. This furball is already a year old and has done very well in comparison to the first dog and we believe the secret to be Eukanuba.

    Ver Pienso para Cachorros de Razas Grandes con Pollo
  • Por publicado el 08/09/2013

    Quando os meus cães eram mais pequeninos, dava-lhes esta ração. Nunca tive problemas... Obrigada Miscota e Eukanuba!

    Ver Pienso para Cachorros de Razas Grandes con Pollo